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How do I get started with the builder?

There are two main ways to access getting started with the SimplifyingTheWeb website builder.

1.  Select a Template/Theme https://simplifyingtheweb.com/themes

If you choose this route, you will be brought to the Theme page that will showcase a number of templates you can choose to view or use. They are subdivided up into the following categories: Website | Online Store | Landing Page and Funnels. With any template, when you choose “view”, the sample opens for you to explore. Even if the template is not within your industry, have an open mind and try to picture the design layout you want; images, text and colour can always be changed, but layout structure is much harder. Once you have chosen the template you can start editing.

As mentioned in the planning article about site structure it is always a good idea to have a sketched layout of the way you want to present your information. By doing this it is like creating a blueprint. Then by looking at the various themes, you can choose one that is closest to the layout you have created in sketched format. Don't worry if it is not exact, or that the template has way too many sections on it that aren't needed for your site. Those can be edited out. The key is to minimize the amount of editing needed to get close to what you want in the end.

2. Use the Website Builder Wizard https://simplifyingtheweb.com/wizard

Website Wizard screen
Fig. 1. Choose Type of Website

Fig.2. Choose Type of Website


What is your website about?
Fig. 3. What is your Business About


Choosing menu navigation design and layout
Fig. 4. Main Navigation

At this stage you can choose the design theme template that is recommended or you can start again with the wizard.

Choosing a theme template
Fig. 5. Choose Template or Try Wizard Again


Sign up for an account
Fig. 6. Fill in the Form to Create Account (No credit card needed at this point - 14-Day Free Trial)


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