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Image Tips

  • Your images will work best with a resolution ranging from 72 d.p.i. to 96 d.p.i.
  • Save images as “.jpg” files for photo style, or “.png” or “.gif” files for illustration-type images. You can use online photo editors like pixlr.com to save images as .jpg files, and to alter resolution.
  • For your naming convention, don’t pick “image.jpg”, but rather, name it for what the image represents, and keep it short as possible.
  • You may want to set up a spreadsheet of the images you will be using.
  • For each image, create an “alt tag” (alternate text field). Since images cannot be read by text-to-voice applications for the visually impaired, nor by search engines, the descriptive alt tags aid accessibility and SEO by providing a text equivalent.
  • Many websites have slider images (that move across the screen) and these are typically quite big. Each theme may have recommended sizes, but usually their width is greater than 1500 pixels. (On the web, we use pixels as width and height measurements.) A website layout is landscape-oriented (horizontal), so portrait-oriented images might allow for too much space either side. You may need to do some cropping to get the proper height-width ratio.