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Content Tips

  • Try to keep your page titles no longer than 100 characters
  • You may want to set up a spreadsheet, one row for each web page. Record the page’s URL in Column 1, Title, in Column 2, H1 (your “meta title” which gets read by search engines) in Column 3, and so on. I suggest you download a sample SEO template.
  • A typical web page will compete well with a word count of roughly 1,000. Keep this in mind when writing content for your pages.
  • Your audience will often scan the page, so keep your paragraphs and sentences short, try to tell a story with the headings and subheadings, leave lots of white space, and use bullets or call-outs (images containing text, placed within or near the main text) to emphasize certain points.
  • Also consider content buckets. These each have a title, teaser and link that takes the reader to the full information.
  • When creating links, make them descriptive and relevant to your content. Don’t just say “Click here” or “more information.”
  • Each page should have a primary image to provide a visual description of the page content.
  • Include your focus keyword at least in your title tag and H1 tag,  and at least one or two times in your content body. Throughout the content, incorporate related keywords to support the overall theme of the page. The main intent is to attract your visitor to the page to answer their question or concern.