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Menu Navigation

Most menus have a common structure which can be personalized. They typically have tabs which link to each of:  Home | About | Services | Products | Resources | Contact Us.

For multiple services or products, it’s better to devote a page to each, which not only to showcases them individually, but optimizes the search for a particular service or product. These can either be a sub-navigation of Services (i.e. subheadings), or may warrant their own second level navigation.

It’s best to search-optimize the names of your navigation tabs by putting them through competitor keyword research. You can use a free tool like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest. This research is also good for finding keywords for your navigation, page URL (web address), titles, and content. For each page, choose a primary keyword that you want the page to focus on, then support the content with semantic or related keywords. Try to not use the focus keyword more than three times. More details can be found in the articles, “Building an Optimized Website with SEO in Mind” and “SEO Checklist.”