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Content Tips
- Try to keep your page titles no longer than 100 characters - You may want to... more
Image Tips
- Your images will work best with a resolution ranging from 72 d.p.i. to 96 d.p.... more
Website Folder Management
For website work process, I recommend that you create a main folder in your [My ... more
Logo & Favicon
It is a good idea to have a variety of logo sizes in a specific folder for quick... more
Most people start with their logo, and choose primary and secondary colour schem... more
Menu Navigation
Most menus have a common structure which can be personalized. They typically hav... more
Layout and Structure
Before getting excited about choosing a theme template, it’s good to know what l... more
Website Purpose & Target Audience
You have to understand WHY you are creating a website. What is the purpose of yo... more